


Calendar Icon

Established 2020

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50 homes per year

Build Locations:

Melbourne - West, North, South East

Type of build

House & Land

House & Land

New Estate

New Estate


Building your first home is a big decision- it might be the single biggest investment you've made in your life. So you want to do everything you can to get it right. At First-Place, we get where you're coming from - between us we've got over 40 years experience building homes. We've seen it all. We know what works and what doesn't, and we've worked hard to focus on what matters and keep our prices sharp. Here at First-Place, we're about great homes, delivered on time and with no surprises. All our costs are ....

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Head Office Location:

Woodlea Boulevard Rockbank VIC 3335

First-Place: Current Offer

1st B'day Sale- 10k off all homes!*
1st B'day Sale- 10k off all homes!*

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