Tips & Tricks for Moving Interstate with Kids

Tips & Tricks for Moving Interstate with Kids

No matter the reason, an interstate move can be a tough time for your family. Your kids can be hit harder by this than they might realise at first. For them, a new home can mean:

Having to make new friends Learning new values and norms Finding new places to play and unwind Learning which new spaces are and aren't safe

Helping your kids assimilate into their new instate home, and learning how be comfortable with their new surroundings will help academically, socially, and will keep your family bonds stronger than ever before. Chances are, if your kids can learn how to adapt in a new environment after an interstate move, they'll have the confidence to cope many things later in life.

Though the move itself can be exhausting enough, it's well worth spending some extra time and effort helping your kids to acclimatise to the area around your new home. This will make the transition as smooth and peaceful for your family as can be.  It's also important to look after yourself during this time, so that you can be strong for your kids too.

Here are a few tips and tricks when it comes to moving interstate with kids that will make the entire process much easier.

Familiarise Yourself With The Local Area

Researching the facilities and social clubs in the area - like new schools, parks, sports teams and special points of interest - and discussing all these new possibilities with your kids can help them understand-and even get excited-about the move.

Before committing to an interstate move, you will likely have done some research into the schools that your kids will be attending. You could go above and beyond this by contacting the school administration to find out more about things like extra-curricular activities and support, as well as a general breakdown of what most kids in the area get up to, and which public spaces are most suitable for children.

It's also just as important for your whole family to learn where to find essential goods and services. Remembering where things like the local clinic, supermarket and public transit stops are will save you a lot of time in the immediate post-move period (which can be notoriously busy).

Maintain Your Usual Routine

The reason a move interstate can be so jarring for kids is that it can completely shatter the routine they're used to. Kids can often struggle to understand the reasons for the drastic changes in their lives.

To help your kids acclimatise, it's strongly recommended that you transfer whatever previous routine you had previously over to your new locale. Whether these are domestic habits like mid-week pasta night, or hobbies like a playing with a soccer club on the weekends, do your best to keep up the routines you had before you moved.

A bit of a break immediately after a move is okay, but you should resume regular hobbies and activities as soon as possible. Putting effort into maintaining routines will help your kids find their sense of self in a new environment.

Involve Your Kids

One of the simplest ways to get your kids onboard is to ask them to be active participants in the move. This can be done in a number of ways:

Ask them what they would like to do in a new area Let them have a say in how their room is decorated If possible, take them to see their new home and area before moving day Discuss the reasons for the move, and how it helps the whole family

Kids who understand and feel involved in the process of moving will have a much better chance at hitting the ground running when they touch down. Agency is a key factor in feeling in control of a situation, and will help children to develop a sense of independence which is crucial to navigating a number of other challenges in life. Remember, as a family unit you should try your best to work together - children have valid opinions and concerns too, and having them onboard will greatly minimise stress in the long run.

On a side note, kids can be excellent (and free) help when it comes to planning your move and packing up parts of the house! Just make sure to keep their room intact for as long as possible to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Help Your Kids Make Friends

Social media is fantastic for acclimatising to new communities and getting to know completely new people. Have a search around for local parent or school groups and get in contact with some local families to set up playdates or activities, especially if you're fortunate enough to move before the start of the academic year. 

This can give your kids a huge advantage when it comes to establishing a new network of friends (often one of the most difficult aspects of relocating). This will make the transition into a new school much easier. Plus, it also speeds up the process of finding activities and extra-curriculars to do with peers, helping your kids get back to their old routines.

Reduce Stress

If you're looking to reduce the stress of a move by even the slightest bit, you should seriously consider hiring an affordable interstate removals service. With professionals on-board, you can rest easy knowing that your goods will be delivered scratch-free without needing to break the budget.

Full Article Published: 24/08/2020 Get Prices