Daylesford 21 home design by Aston Homes

Campbellfield VIC


Single storey Contemporary home design

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Daylesford 21

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Aston Homes

Aston Homes is a reputable home builder with a strong presence in the Melbourne area. Specializing in house and land packages located in prime estates across Melbourne, Aston Homes offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.

When choosing Aston Homes, clients can explore a range of house and land packages tailored to suit diverse preferences. The builder prioritizes creating spacious, well-lit, and flexible floor plans to ensure a comfortable living environment.

At Aston Homes, the emphasis is on delivering exceptional customer care and personalized service. The team at Aston Homes is dedicated to supporting clients every step of the way, from the initial visit to the display homes to the exciting day of receiving the keys to their new homes. Aston Homes does not just provide a service; they walk alongside their clients throughout the entire journey.

Established in 2009, Aston Homes has been delivering quality homes at a steady pace, with a focus on building 100-200 homes annually. Their build locations primarily include new estates in Melbourne, making them a preferred choice for those looking to invest in a new property in a prime location.

For exclusive news and updates on upcoming trends, insights, and more, clients can register with Aston Homes to stay connected with the latest information. Additionally, those interested in exploring the house and land packages or floor plans offered by Aston Homes can easily reach out to the sales team for further assistance.

Discover the Aston Homes difference and embark on your new home journey with a builder that values customer satisfaction and personal service. Join hands with Aston Homes to transform your dream of owning a new home into a reality.

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