Rossdale Homes


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Rossdale Homes

Rossdale Homes, a respected name in South Australia's building industry, has been crafting award-winning homes since 1980. This family-owned company, founded by Craig and Ross Robinson, has a rich history of over 40 years in financial and building experience. The company's leadership was taken over by Giles French and other local business identities in 2007, ensuring the continuation of its local ownership focus. Today, Rossdale Homes proudly employs more than 70 people locally and works with over 400 active subcontractors.

Rossdale Homes has a strong commitment to providing affordable, quality housing. This commitment is not just a statement but a practice that has been nurtured over the years by carefully listening to customers, striving to meet their needs, and developing a tradition of exceptional service that is tailored to the individual needs of each new homeowner. This customer-centric approach has been a key factor in the company's success and has helped Rossdale Homes earn a reputation for quality and value in housing.

Over the years, Rossdale Homes has won numerous awards for their homes. However, the company's focus remains firmly on providing quality and value to its customers. This commitment to quality and value is evident in the unique "fixed price guarantee" offered by Rossdale Homes. This guarantee ensures that the price agreed upon at the time of signing the contract remains fixed, demonstrating the company's dedication to transparency and fairness.

Rossdale Homes operates in various regions around Adelaide, where they have many display villages showcasing their quality new homes. In addition to these display homes, Rossdale Homes also offers custom owner designs, ensuring that each home is as unique as its owner. This flexibility in design is a testament to the company's commitment to meeting the individual needs of its customers.

In the picturesque landscapes of South Australia, Rossdale Homes stands as a landmark of homebuilding excellence. Since its inception, the company has been a pillar in creating quality homes that epitomise innovation and dedication. This commitment to quality and craftsmanship is a testament to the foundational values and leadership of Rossdale Homes.

In conclusion, Rossdale Homes is a company that prides itself on its long-standing tradition of providing affordable, quality housing. With a strong commitment to customer service, a focus on individual needs, and a dedication to quality and value, Rossdale Homes continues to be a respected name in South Australia's building industry.

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