Porter Davis

Docklands VIC

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Porter Davis

Here’s where you expect us to boast about us right? Our excellence in service, our 16 HIA Most Professional Builder awards, etc etc . . .   But that’s not who we are.  That’s the result of what we do.

Instead, to know Porter Davis we’d like you to know our belief about why we exist and what we hold true. We think what we do matters, because a new home is so much more than bricks and mortar. We believe a new home is the foundation to the picture of how life should and can be. 

It promises the future and frames the past. It stands strong when the dream may weaken. It flexes to change, stays steady when life runs wild.  To us, the idea of a home goes way beyond construction, or service, or design or style. It’s the very cornerstone of life’s hopes and aspirations. 

And it’s a brave thing to create. We understand and respect that - and those who set out to create their dreams around a new home. We appreciate the fragility of such visions and we exist to protect and nurture those dreams.

It’s why above all, we exist to respect the dream.

THE HOME... So much more than bricks and mortar. More than an address people refer to.

Even more than a hub of family life. We believe a new home is the foundation to the picture of how life should be. It promises the future and frames the past. It stands strong when the dream may weaken. It flexes to change, stays steady when life runs wild.

To us, the idea of a home goes way beyond construction, service, design or style. It’s the very cornerstone of life’s hopes and aspirations. At Porter Davis we’re for those people brave enough to create their dreams around a new home. We appreciate the fragility of such visions and we exist to protect and nurture those dreams.

At the end of the day, building a house is quite simply building a future, one brick at a time.

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