MaveriX Property Marketing PTY LTD

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MaveriX Property Marketing PTY LTD

Formerly Paul Kelly Marketing, MaveriX Property Marketing has established itself as the 'Private Builder Experts' with ongoing relationships with dozens of local, private builders.

With a building trade background and years of experience in the niche market of selling brand new homes and with over 300 homes sold just in the Caloundra area, MaveriX Property Marketing expanded to offering privately built homes as build packages while also offering a selling service to allow occupiers to upgrade or downsize into a brand-new home.

MaveriX Property Marketing works with local, family-owned and operated, private builders.

These builders are hands-on, ensuring quality workmanship, and have set up loyal, ongoing networks with local trades and suppliers to ensure premium price points on materials.

The long-standing commitment to their builder network allows for a perpetual relationship, ensuring they can exclusively market their homes prior to construction even commencing.

With quality assured, efficient build times, and unrivalled prices, private builders can offer a pleasant, stress-free building process.

If you are looking to buy, build or sell; MaveriX Property Marketing can assist in making your next move.

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