Jandson Homes


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Jandson Homes

Jandson Homes, a renowned name in the Australian home building industry, has been crafting quality homes for over three decades. Established in 1985, Jandson Homes has successfully completed homes for more than 2,500 families, demonstrating their commitment, expertise, and adaptability in the ever-evolving housing market.

The company's portfolio is diverse, having built townhouse developments, low rise units, aged person units, duplexes, and developed land. However, in recent times, Jandson Homes has chosen to concentrate on single homes and duplexes, reflecting their commitment to offering tailored solutions to their clients.

Jandson Homes operates primarily in Sydney, NSW, Australia, and across various regions in NSW. They offer a range of home designs, from single storey to double storey homes, with varying sizes and layouts. Their homes are meticulously designed, with a focus on space and functionality, catering to the needs of modern families.

Jandson Homes is not just a builder; they are an active participant in the building industry. They have been an active member of the Housing Industry Association, contributing to various committees, including the NSW Executive, over a 20-year period. They have also been part of various Government working parties and committees, demonstrating their commitment to shaping the future of the industry.

Their partnerships extend to several organisations, including the NSW Department of Housing, Defence Housing Australia, Lend Lease Australia, JLF Foundation, and McNamara Group. These collaborations reflect their commitment to working with diverse stakeholders and contributing to the broader community.

Jandson Homes is not just about building homes; they are about building communities. They have worked with TAFE to develop innovative training programs for apprentices, supported local sports clubs, and various charities. Their commitment to community participation is a reflection of their belief in giving back to the community that they serve.

The Jandson Homes strategy is built on a foundation of excellence, dedication, and integrity. They undertake projects where they have the skills and expertise to deliver to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. Their team comprises specialists in their field, who bring skills and knowledge to the company and to their clients.

Jandson Homes is also committed to environmental sustainability, integrating it into their business operations. They strive for zero environmental incidents and accidents, reduce emissions and waste, and use energy and resources efficiently and effectively. They also aim to exceed the minimum BASIX requirements in their home designs, reflecting their commitment to building environmentally friendly homes.

In conclusion, Jandson Homes is a trusted name in the Australian home building industry, with a track record of delivering quality homes and contributing to the community. Their commitment to excellence, community participation, and environmental sustainability sets them apart in the industry.

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