Green Homes Australia


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Green Homes Australia

Green Homes Australia is a distinguished home builder, renowned for its dedication to energy-efficient home construction. This builder stands out in the Australian market due to their unique compliance with the International Standards Organisation for design and construction of energy efficient homes [ISO 50001]. This is a prestigious distinction that highlights their proficiency in designing and building homes that not only meet but exceed the standard requirements for energy efficiency.

The company's commitment to energy efficiency is not just a marketing slogan, but a core principle that guides their operations. They are currently the only home builder in Australia that can claim compliance with ISO 50001, a testament to their dedication to sustainable building practices. This commitment to energy efficiency is not only beneficial for the environment but also for homeowners, who can enjoy lower energy bills and a more comfortable living environment.

Green Homes Australia operates in various regions across the country, bringing their unique approach to energy-efficient home construction to a wide range of Australian homeowners. Their broad operational footprint is a testament to their ability to adapt their building practices to different climates and environments, ensuring that every home they build is optimised for its specific location.

The company's management team is led by Sally Kay, an expert in corporate governance, business strategy, compliance, and financial and property services. With her extensive experience in strategic and management roles, she guides the company in its mission to build energy-efficient homes that meet the highest international standards. Her background in law and finance, combined with her passion for property renovation, provides a strong foundation for the company's operations.

Green Homes Australia's commitment to energy efficiency extends beyond the construction of new homes. They also offer services to help homeowners improve the energy efficiency of their existing homes, demonstrating their comprehensive approach to sustainable living.

In conclusion, Green Homes Australia is a leader in the field of energy-efficient home construction. Their unique compliance with ISO 50001 sets them apart from other home builders in Australia, and their commitment to sustainable building practices is evident in every home they build. Whether you're looking to build a new home or improve the energy efficiency of your existing one, Green Homes Australia offers a range of services to meet your needs.

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