Top 7 Ways to Repurpose an Extra Living Room 

If lockdowns taught us anything, it’s the importance of loving your living spaces! For many people, a home is cherished for many years - decades even - and there’s no need to shy away from making changes to your home as your family adapts and grows.

Have you found yourself with an extra living room, or an underpurposed space in your home? There are countless creative ways to repurpose this area, so that it’s a valuable and functional part of your home. 

Maybe two living rooms were perfect when the kids were in primary school, but now they’ve moved into uni and that old couch is just collecting dust. Or perhaps an elderly parent is moving in, and you need to fashion up a guest room. Maybe, you just need a little refresh!

Whatever the reason is, it’s worth the effort to make sure you’re getting the most out of your home. Whether you're looking to add versatility, functionality, or simply enhance the aesthetics, we've got you covered with seven fantastic ideas.

Build a Room Within the Room

Dividing a space up can be a great way to maximise its usage, and there are ways to do this that won’t permanently alter the home’s structure, if that’s what you’re after. 

With folding partitions, or curtains you can create a nifty extra space for creative endeavours, studying or reading. Opt for a sheer partition which still lets light in – think: fabric, paper or rattan. The folding partitions are ideal, because they allow you to create/hide a doorway as needed! 

The beauty of a partition is that they offer flexibility; you can change the layout as needed. Say you’ve got a teenager in their final year of high school; creating a temporary study space can be a great way for them to get in the zone, and pack it away after graduating! 

Moreover, a room within the room can serve as a temporary guest bedroom when needed. Consider choosing in a bed with storage underneath, so luggage can be tucked away and pulled out as needed. Or if you’re sitting on the fence about the idea, go the sofa-bed route and whip out the partitions on the day!

For families with infants, using room dividers to create a nursery can be a practical solution. It's recommended that infants sleep in a separate room for their development, and so can segment off a nursery area within the living room, providing your child with a dedicated space for the time being.


Turn it into an Extra Bedroom

If you want a little more space for your guest - or perhaps you want to turn it into a permanent bedroom - we’ve got some tips to transform the room!

Considering that most additional lounge rooms don’t have doors, they can be a bit tricky to repurpose into a fully private room. 

However, choosing a heavy-weight fabric curtain to hang over the doorway can function as an excellent sound barrier, and be aesthetically pleasing both within the room and outside. Adding a tie on the inside also provides some security! 

Alternatively, you can opt for a built in sliding door, adding a touch of design to your hallway and to the bedroom interior. A visible sliding door - similar to a barn style door - can be an elegant feature of a home, rather than feeling the need to hide it. 

Build a Home Library/Study 

Do you work from home a lot? Or perhaps you're a bookworm? Consider transforming your extra living room into a library and office space. 

Floor to ceiling bookcases are a great way to maximise storage while elongating the appearance of a room! If you’ve got a collection of books, VHS, DVDs, records, or CDs, you can theme the room around them, putting them on display. Combining shelving with some built-in cupboards allow for extra storage of tall objects such as winter coats or an ironing board.

With some cosy armchairs, a coffee table and some ambient lamps, you’ll have yourself a secluded reading space perfect for escaping into the world of literature!

Add in a desk by the window - natural light is a game changer for productivity. And there you have it: a functional, multipurpose study and home library!

Build a Home Gym

If you prioritise your health and fitness, turning your extra living room into a home gym is a fantastic idea. While it may be trickier if the room is carpeted, you can find mats and foam rugs to create a suitable workout environment. 

Invest in weights, a treadmill, or a stationary bike, and consider adding full-size mirrors, Bluetooth speakers, and a fan to complete your fitness space.

With the right setup, you can enjoy convenient and private workouts without leaving your home! It’s especially great for families with active kids, who can let out steam at home, or those with a busy schedule who are looking to save on gym memberships and travel time. 

Make it an Entertainment Space

If you're a movie enthusiast or enjoy hosting game nights, consider giving yourself a dedicated space for it! This idea is great for families with teenage children who want a private space to hang out. Or for couples who love to host entertainment nights with friends. 

Begin by moving your best TV into this room to create a cinematic experience. To enhance the viewing atmosphere, swap out the blinds for some red or velvet blackout curtains to block out external light and create a theatre-like ambiance.

Quality speakers are essential for immersive sound, and if space allows it, consider adding a pool table or bookcase dedicated to board games.Choose a thick rug and incorporate festoon fairy lights around the room for a seriously ambient space!

To complete the entertainment zone, repurpose a vanity into a drinks storage area, and even add a mini-fridge for easy access to refreshments and ice. This multifunctional room becomes an ideal spot for movie nights, game nights, rainy Sundays and memorable home dates!


Hobby Room or Studio

For creative souls who are constantly working on projects – whether that’s sewing, painting, or musical endeavours - having a dedicated hobby room or studio can be a game-changer. Eliminate the stress of cleaning up by creating a space where you can fully immerse yourself in your craft. 

Install storage solutions for your materials, such as shelving units, drawers, and cabinets, to keep everything organised and within reach, and go for a generous desk or dining table so you can spread out. 

If you're into music, you can set up a band-room space with instruments and stylish soundproofing.

Set up your instruments, such as a piano, drum kit, or guitars, and arrange soundproofing materials with a thick carpet and some panels on the walls, to ensure a conducive environment for practice and creativity.

Storage Space

Storage is a practical yet often underrated use of an extra living room. As your family grows and evolves, you may need space to store various items, from camping gear to spare linens and old toys. 

Storage is best done when you give yourself the space for each item. Forget the crammed cupboard and junk drawer in the kitchen. To make your storage space aesthetically pleasing and organised, invest in tallboys, sideboards, and built-in floor-to-ceiling shelving. With the addition of a foldout sofa, coffee table, and maybe a drinks trolley, you can create a loungey entertainment room and a guest room while also serving a critical organisational function.

Consider installing a ceiling clothes hanger for days when it's too wet outside to hang clothes. These convenient designs can be hoisted up out of sight when not in use, and hang down within reach when needed. 

Make your Home Design Fit You! 

Your extra living room is a canvas waiting to be transformed into a space that enhances your lifestyle and adds value to your home. Whether you choose to create a cosy reading nook, a versatile study space, or a dedicated home gym, these ideas offer creative ways to make the most of your space while adding character and functionality to your living area. 

Don't let the fear of permanence deter you from creative endeavours and home renovations. Embrace temporary modifications and secondhand setups, as you can always upgrade or make changes later. The goal is to make your space inviting and functional, so don't hesitate to adapt it to your evolving needs and preferences!


Full Article Published: 18/01/2024 Get Prices