How to Personalise Your Home Office: Decor Tips that Reflect Your Personality

Working from home is the new normal. The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly forced millions of workers worldwide to pivot and work full-time from home. Many preferred this arrangement, with no commute and associated costs, improved work-life balance, more time with family and pets and increased well-being. Some people never returned to the office, while others now work a hybrid week, with their time split between the office and home. 

Part of working at home is ensuring your home office is suited to your needs and preferences. If your office is not personalised or decorated, it could feel cold and sterile, needing a touch of warmth. For instance, if you just have a sit-stand desk from the Stand Desk company and a chair and not much else, you may not feel overjoyed to work there. This helpful article will share how you can decorate your home office to reflect your unique personality. Read on to discover more.

Invest in some Desk Ornaments

Investing in some desk ornaments is one easy and affordable way to ensure your home office has a lovely vibe that matches your tastes. These could be small sculptures or other ornaments. For instance, you may like Buddha statues if you have a Buddhist philosophy on life, or you may be a member of another religion and want some items to reflect your faith. If you're not a parent, you could decorate your office with ornaments made by your kids or nieces and nephews. A photo of your pets or parents is another idea that will reflect your individual life and the relationships you value.

Hang Some Art on the Wall

Another excellent way to personalise your home office is by hanging art on the wall. You may have a favourite artist, in which case you can buy some prints of their work - for instance, Dali or van Gough. Prints are inexpensive, and you just need a nice frame to go with them, which is achievable. Or, you could take a trip to a local gallery or cafe that sells art from local artists and support a budding artist. You're not restricted to artwork either; you may prefer photography, in which case, hang some gorgeous photos from the wall of your home office. 

Upgrade Your Paint Scheme

Do your home office walls look a bit worn out and faded? A fresh lick of paint can be just the ticket to breathe a new lease of life into your space. You can opt for a colour palette that matches or contrasts with some of the furniture in the room, or you may even opt for a feature wall. A pale blue feature wall will pair well with a neutral colour like white or cream on the other three walls. Or, you may feel bold and brave, in which case a vibrant yellow, orange or forest green could be perfect. 

Decorate the Floor

If you have a hard floor surface such as hardwood, engineered or floating flooring or even tiles, then a throw rug is the perfect centrepiece for your floor. A faux or real cowskin rug can be a lovely warm touch for a white tiled floor, or you may prefer something with a patterned Middle Eastern aesthetic to bring a touch of exoticism to your home office. Get a rug that matches your unique individuality and makes a bold statement about you and your values. 

House Plants to Freshen Up the Space

An excellent way to decorate a space is with biophilic design - bringing the natural world into your home. Houseplants are a brilliant addition to your home office, bringing a vibrant splash of green into the space. As well as having significant benefits for well-being, plants will keep the air clean through photosynthesis. If you're not a natural green thumb, choose hard-to-kill plants such as spider plants, mother in laws tongue, philodendrons and succulents. These hardy plants thrive on neglect and will positively impact your space.

Buy a Bookshelf

A bookshelf can be an excellent addition to your home office and makes the perfect background for video calls, and will make you look learned and sophisticated. You can fill it with all sorts of non-fiction books that match your profession or your preferred choice of fiction. You can also decorate your bookshelf with photos, ornaments and other objects that reflect your personality well. 

A Home Office Summary

This helpful article has shared how you can decorate your home office to reflect your personality. This article has covered everything from desk ornaments to artwork and photography to adorn your walls and house plants to bring a touch of nature inside. By the end of the process, you'll have a gorgeous home office that makes a strong statement about you, your vibe and your unique twist on life.

Full Article Published: 01/07/2023 Get Prices