How to get the most out of online display home inspections


Home inspections can be stressful – there’s no two ways about it. But if you’re planning to buy a new home, which hasn’t even been built, online home inspections can prove to be an even greater challenge.

However, online display home inspections are becoming more common, as builders and developers seek to draw new buyers in advance. Here's a list of practical tips to guarantee that you nail your next online display home inspection, and walk away with confidence.

Take Your Time

When you meet for an in-person home inspection, you take your time to look around each room – the same can be said for an online display home inspection. Slowly examine the interior and exterior, and consider what your new life in this property could be like.

Source: Avondale Homes, Gracedale 523 Online Tour

Write Things Down

Have a pen and pad handy and take notes as you go through each room. Consider the colours, textures and note any concerns that you may have. If you know what you’re after, we also recommend writing these down before you even step inside your virtual home.

If you need a visual, then take photos of rooms that you wish to discuss.

Pay Attention to the Details

Pay close attention to the areas that matter most to you. Think about the fine details like towel racks, the allocation of drawers, and garden space for you outdoor projects.

Focus on the areas that you would improve in your current living environment and add them to your wish list.

Source: Beachwood Homes, Spinifex 38 Online display home tour

Ask Questions

The home inspection process is interactive. Once you have followed the other steps, ask as many questions as you like. Even if the home has not been built yet, you are still entitled to understand what the developer has in mind for each space.

Full Article Published: 17/11/2020 Get Prices