5 Must-Have Homewares For Your New Home

The first thing you'll want to do when you move into your new home is to make it feel like yours. It's always an excellent idea to have a checklist of must-have homewares to make your new place feel comfortable. And you may be wondering what to get first. So, here are some tips to help get you started:

Blankets And Scatter Cushions

One of the most important things to focus on is decorating your home with soft furnishings that will make it feel homey and comfortable. And a good way to do this is by purchasing blankets and cushions for every room in your house. They can do much more than add warmth and comfort to your space.

You might think that blankets are just for keeping warm, but they can also be used as accent pieces in your bedroom or living room. You can find blankets on online homewares sites, like at Webky, to match your decor.

Scatter cushions, on the other hand, are another great way to add color and personality to your home's décor. They come in all shapes and sizes, such as square, rectangle, lumbar and round, and can be useful for comfort as well as accenting couches, armchairs and beds.

Lighting Fixtures

Lighting fixtures are an essential part of the ambiance of a home. They come in different styles ranging from classic to modern and everything in between, and are a great way to add color and personality to your home. Here are some of the fixtures you can add to your new home:

Pendant lights: Can be used in any area of the house but are a great feature in kitchen/dining areas and living rooms. Wall Lights: Wall lights can be used anywhere in your home, such as above picture frames, in bathrooms, along a corridor, or on a stairwell. Table Lights: These are perfect for adding an extra touch of elegance and ambiance to any room. They can be placed on side tables or consoles, to provide ambient lighting especially if you prefer to turn off the main lights at night time.
Indoor Plants

Indoor plants add a touch of greenery to your home and can also help improve air quality. Styling your home with indoor plants is very popular currently and they come in all shapes and sizes, whether you're looking for something exotic or easy to take care of. Here are some plants you can add to your home:

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is one of the most popular houseplants because it's easy to grow and doesn't require much attention. You just have to water it once every week or two and keep it out of direct sunlight, which can burn its leaves. Snake Plant: The snake plant is perfect for people who don't like to water their plants too often because it requires little maintenance. And just give it some light daily and ensure the soil doesn't dry out completely between watering sessions. Spider Plant: Spider plants are one of the easiest houseplants to grow and care for. This plant has long aerial roots that give it a spidery appearance, hence its name. This plant is also known as the airplane plant because it grows quickly, even in low light conditions, making it an ideal choice for those with little experience or time to care for plants.


Candles are a must-have accessory for your new home. They add a bit of warmth to any room, and the smell can help you relax after a long day at work. They also give your home a cozy feel and make it more welcoming to guests.

Candles are great accessories for any room because they come in so many styles and designs. You can find candles that match the decor of your house or create your unique look by choosing something that complement each other or match the colors in your paint scheme.


Artworks are a great way to decorate your home. They can help you create a certain mood or atmosphere in a room and make it feel more like home. They are also great conversation starters.

They come in many different sizes, shapes, materials, and formats. You can choose from many kinds of art, such as paintings, sculptures, photographs, and other unique art pieces. Thus, it's important to choose the right piece of art that matches the style and personality of your home.

Full Article Published: 16/08/2022 Get Prices